LG G2를 사용하며 한달 전부터 갑자기 블루투스가 종종 종료되기 시작했다.
아직까지 원인을 찾지 못했지만 OS버그 이거나 특정 Application 과의 문제로인해 발생했을 거라고 추측이 되고 있다.
Download Log : Link
adb logcat -v threadtime
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.bluetooth (pid 24000) has died.
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Service crashed 2 times, stopping: ServiceRecord{4576f078 u0 com.android.bluetooth/com.lge.bluetooth.app.LGBluetoothAPIServer}
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/com.broadcom.bt.service.hfp.BrcmHeadsetService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.a2dp.A2dpService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hid.HidService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hdp.HealthService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.pan.PanService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Service crashed 2 times, stopping: ServiceRecord{4492f338 u0 com.android.bluetooth/com.lge.bluetooth.app.LGBluetoothUserBindServer}
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Service crashed 2 times, stopping: ServiceRecord{448d9d38 u0 com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService}
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Service crashed 2 times, stopping: ServiceRecord{44441378 u0 com.android.bluetooth/.gatt.GattService}
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.map.BluetoothMapService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/com.broadcom.bt.service.ftp.FTPService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.pbap.BluetoothPbapService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.opp.BluetoothOppService in 1000ms
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I ActivityManager: resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{44358520 stackId=4, 18 tasks}
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 D ActivityManager: resumeTopActivityLocked: Top activity resumed ActivityRecord{43a58808 u0 com.kakao.talk/.activity.chat.ChatRoomActivity t264}
adb logcat -v threadtime -b events
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_proc_died: [0,24000,com.android.bluetooth]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_service_crashed_too_much: [0,2,com.android.bluetooth/com.lge.bluetooth.app.LGBluetoothAPIServer,24000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1165422712,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/com.broadcom.bt.service.hfp.BrcmHeadsetService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1165219088,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.a2dp.A2dpService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1164713616,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.hid.HidService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1161886304,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.hdp.HealthService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1161883304,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.pan.PanService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1158640584,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_service_crashed_too_much: [0,2,com.android.bluetooth/com.lge.bluetooth.app.LGBluetoothUserBindServer,24000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1150481208,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_service_crashed_too_much: [0,2,com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService,24000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1150131512,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_service_crashed_too_much: [0,2,com.android.bluetooth/.gatt.GattService,24000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1145312120,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.map.BluetoothMapService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1144351760,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/com.broadcom.bt.service.ftp.FTPService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1144285720,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.pbap.BluetoothPbapService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1142747352,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_schedule_service_restart: [0,com.android.bluetooth/.opp.BluetoothOppService,1000]
07-02 17:02:07.126 994 1004 I am_destroy_service: [0,1140593600,-1]
07-02 17:02:07.176 994 1191 I am_create_service: [0,1158430888,.DockService,1000,4175]
07-02 17:02:07.196 994 1521 I am_proc_start: [0,25362,1002,com.android.bluetooth,broadcast,com.android.bluetooth/.pbap.BluetoothPbapReceiver]
07-02 17:02:07.196 994 1005 I am_destroy_service: [0,1158430888,4175]
07-02 17:02:07.206 994 1520 I am_proc_bound: [0,25362,com.android.bluetooth]
07-02 17:02:07.276 994 2025 I am_create_service: [0,1158283600,.BluetoothPbapService,1002,25362]
위의 링크를 보면 뭔가 블루투스의 설정을 변경하는 것 같은데..
난 아직 Rooting 을 하지 않아서 작업을 할 수 없다.
좀더 지켜보고 문제가 지속된다면 Android 초기화를 할 예정...
2015.08.15 추가
오류가 잦은탓에 한동안 블루투스를 사용하고 있지 않다가 혹시나 싶어 오늘 사용해봤다.
그동안 애플리케이션을 주기적으로 업데이트를 해서 일까??
몇시간을 들었지만 아직 에러가 발생하지 않았다.
다만 밖에 1시간정도 운동하러 나갔을 때 블루투스를 사용하지 않았음에도
'블루투스 애플리케이션이 예상치 않게 중지되었습니다.' 메시지가 발생을 했다.
GPS를 사용하는 다른 어플리케이션과의 문제가 있었을까??
암튼 이제부터 블루투스를 다시 사용을 해보고 문제가 있는지 다시 봐야겠다.
2015.08.17 추가
이틀정도 길거리를 다니며 블루투스로 음악을 들어봤는데
이전과 같은 증상이 발생을 했다.
아무래도 초기화 밖에 답이 없는건가..;;
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