- 오라클에서 imp 명령어로 데이터 import 시 테이블 데이터의 한글은 정상적으로 나오지만 주석만 한글이 ??? 와 같이 깨져서 보여지는 경우
(exp, imp 서버 둘다 캐릭터셋은 동일하게 맞춘상황)
Table, 테이블, 주석, comment, 한글, 깨짐
- 아래와 같이 exp, imp 명령어 수행전 NLS_LANG 을 똑같이 맞춰준다.
[oracle@5cc21db1547a tmp]$
[oracle@5cc21db1547a tmp]$ exp user/password@ file=./data.dmp tables=\(AAAAAAAAAA,BBBBBBBB, ... ,ZZZZZZZZ\)
Export: Release - Production on Thu Feb 27 14:37:48 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Export done in KO16MSWIN949 character set and UTF8 NCHAR character set
About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table AAAAAAAAAAA 1 rows exported
. . exporting table BBBBBBBBBB 78 rows exported
. . exporting table ZZZZZZZZZZ 6 rows exported
Export terminated successfully without warnings.
[oracle@5cc21db1547a tmp]$
[oracle@7b4cc751ef5c setup]$ export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.KO16MSWIN949
[oracle@7b4cc751ef5c setup]$
[oracle@7b4cc751ef5c setup]$ imp user/password full=y file=/home/oracle/setup/data.dmp
Import: Release - Production on Thu Feb 27 15:56:50 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Export file created by EXPORT:V12.02.00 via conventional path
import done in KO16MSWIN949 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
export server uses UTF8 NCHAR character set (possible ncharset conversion)
Warning: This import generated a separate SQL file "import_sys" which contains DDL that failed due to a privilege issue.
. importing SID's objects into SID
. importing SID's objects into SID
. . importing table "AAAAAAAAAAA" 1 rows imported
. . importing table "BBBBBBBBBB" 78 rows imported
. . importing table "ZZZZZZZZZZ" 6 rows imported
Import terminated successfully with warnings.
[oracle@7b4cc751ef5c setup]$
데이터는 문제가 없어서 그냥 둘까 하다가 혹시나 싶어서 위와같이 exp를 다시 수행해서 작업했더니 정상적으로 Table comment 가 보여졌다.
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